Your Perfect Workout Plan Should have 3 Components

Karan Nijhawan
2 min readJan 2, 2018


It’s January 2nd.

Did you already break your New Years Resolution?

I know, I know; “stop being so mean, Karan!”

Did you make a resolution this year to live a healthier life?

Kudos if you did! And shame on you if you didn’t!

This year, I want you to create the perfect workout plan! A plan that you will stick to for 4–6 months, instead of 2–3 weeks.

You know what I mean?

In my experience, and the experience of my clients, the perfect workout plans should have 3 components:

1) Realistic — Look at your schedule. Can you workout 6 days a week? 4 days a week? Or is 3 the magic number? Look at your schedule and be honest with the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to working out. Don’t create a workout plan that you know is unrealistic.

2) Enjoyable — Just because a plan is “optimal” doesn’t mean it’s “sustainable” for you. Why would you jump on a 12-week workout program that you hate? Do you think that will be sustainable? You must look forward to and have the motivation to do the work.

3) Flexible — If you miss a day, will you be angry with yourself? If you miss a day, will you use that as an excuse to eat like crap? The perfect workout plan needs to be flexible and must account for “off” days.

What you do with this information is 100% up to you.

But take a look at your past workout plan and ask yourself if it fit the above criteria.

If you follow the above requirements, you won’t need to read this post again next year ;)


I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Which of the 3 (or all) areas have you struggled with in the past?




Karan Nijhawan

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