Is Your Environment Killing Your Chances for Success?

Karan Nijhawan
3 min readNov 21, 2016


Are you struggling to obtain the body you want? Do you feel like you have tried everything but the odds seem stacked against you?

I use to feel like that too. When I was trying to get in better shape, this is generally how my timeline went:

Week 1: I’m motivated, sharing my journey on social media, getting support from family and friends, and ready to take on the world with my workouts.

Week 2: I notice some quick results, motivation is still high, and I eagerly await my next workout.

Week 3: Maybe week 2 didn’t go so well, I “cheated” on my diet, and I tell myself that “I will start fresh on Monday”.

Week 4: Start the week off with 110% motivation, but by Thursday, I crack and eat foods that are not going to help me achieve my goals.

Week 5: Begin the cycle again by going back to week 1. Rinse and repeat.

The 4 week cycle seemed to be a trap that I fell into, and I honestly felt like I was drowning. After the first step to admit that I needed to get in better shape, I was left wondering why I couldn’t break-free of this 4 week nightmare.

Habits and Patterns

Then, one Thursday night it hit me. I began to document my habits and patterns and noticed that every Thursday night, I had an intense craving for “junk” food. Whether it was chocolate, chips or anything else you can think of, I knew I had no chance when Thursday night rolled along.

After observing my patterns, the answer to my nutrition struggles was obvious. Deep down in my subconscious mind, I knew that I had a box of chocolates hidden away in my kitchen. Although these chocolates were hidden and out of my sight, deep down I knew that they were in the house.

Has something like that ever happened to you?

I realized that when I tried to avoid certain foods, if they were physically present in my environment, my chances of success immediately dwindled.

Your Environment

If you keep cookies, cakes, chips, etc. in your home, eventually they will get eaten. When you know that these foods are present in your house, day by day your self-discipline is tested and the pressure becomes harder and harder. This is the exact problem that I faced and as mentioned above, by Thursday nights, I was toast.

My solution was simple — eliminate any foods from my house that would derail my fitness and nutritional goals. By not brining these types of foods in the house in the first place, my environment was automatically setting me up for success.

If you’re presently stuck, watch my 2 minute video where you will learn how to stick to your nutritional goals. When you realize that your environment plays a major role in your fitness journey, only then will you begin to see the results you have always wished for.

I believe we all experience challenges when embarking on a fitness journey, don’t you? It’s my passion to help others realize that fitness can be made simple. I’ve always found that simplicity and accountability can help create amazing results, even for those that think it’s impossible.

If you’re ready to create immediate and lasting change and want to learn how to make fitness work for you, feel free to schedule a complimentary call and let’s talk about it.

Join my free Facebook group and gain insights and strategies that like-minded entrepreneurs and busy professionals are using to improve their health. Learn about the mindset, challenges and areas of focus that will lead to the results you are after. With weekly tips, challenges and resources, you will learn how fitness truly can be made simple.

As a thank-you for reading this post, I invite you to download the 7 Step Fitness Kick-Start guide which will help you take control of your health, once and for all.



Karan Nijhawan

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