5 Things Successful Clients Do

Karan Nijhawan
6 min readApr 20, 2017


Do you love seeing a successful weight-loss/transformation story? Of course you do. Just go on Instagram and search #transformationtuesday and you will see over 10.7 million images of people sharing their fitness journey.

When you take into account buying supplements, diet books, and other fitness products, the U.S. weight-loss industry makes about $20 billion a year in revenue. That looks a little something like this…

Want to know what’s even crazier? The average dieter makes 4–5 attempts PER YEAR to lose weight. That means they try to diet, fail, go back on a diet, fail, and continue to repeat this process.

To be honest, I can’t blame those people. On average, you are exposed to 4,000–10,000 different marketing messages on a daily basis. From TV commercials, to billboards, Facebook ads, and much more, your life is a target to subliminal marketing. It’s the world you live in and unfortunately, this can wreak havoc in your weight-loss journey.

If that’s the case, what do successful people do? Furthermore, what do successful CLIENTS do? How are they able to break free from this hoopla and achieve their goals? In my experience, here are 5 things that my successful clients have all had in common.

#1 — They invest in their health

If you are looking to have a successful weight/fat loss journey, you need to invest in your health. Not just financially, but also mentally, physically and emotionally as well. Its been said that if you want to improve in an aspect of your life, hire a coach. If you have a business and need some guidance, wouldn’t you benefit from a mentor or a coach? Fear of public speaking? Hire a coach. If you need financial advice, would you invest in a coach? If you are unhappy with your health and fitness and need help, would you find it beneficial to find a coach to keep you accountable?

Think back to the last diet you went on and you promised yourself “this time is going to be different”. You likely remained on that diet for a couple weeks, and maybe even a few months, then suddenly fell off. It’s easy to say that a friend, spouse, or co-worker will keep you accountable, but does that really work? For most people, unfortunately not. A coach is someone that is there to listen your struggles on a weekly basis, and offer advice on how to overcome your problems. They provide guidance and give you a step-by-step plan and ultimately, lend an ear so you know you aren’t in this alone. When the road gets tough, and it does, successful clients have a coach to help get them back on track.

#2 — They are open to try a new approach

When a new client comes to me for help, I know within 10 minutes whether or not we’ll be a good fit for each other. Some people quickly share their “I already know what to do” mentality and it’s clear to me they are not “coachable”. If you have tried to get in better shape and haven’t had success, that may mean your approach needs to be reviewed.

Successful clients are willing to try a new approach, and realize that they hired a coach for a reason. These clients are willing to try a new method, a new exercise, a new meal plan, and are open to having a conversation. They aren’t stuck in their ways and realize that there may be a better way of doing things. Successful clients have an open mind and are very “coachable”.

#3 — They realize it’s not always flowers and happy faces

Embarking on a fitness journey can be one of the scariest experiences of your life. It takes a toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally and shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is unrealistic to think that things will always go as planned and those that think that way are in for a rude surprise. You will experience many ups and downs when you are trying to improve your health and it won’t always be flowers and happy faces. Sure — seeing the number on the scale go down every week is great, but eventually that will stop. Yes — dropping pant sizes will feel awesome, but it won’t be easy.

Successful clients realize that the road will be tough and it won’t always be peachy. They are ready for the road bumps and to tackle them head on. They don’t let a minor setback ruin their progress and keep them down in the dumps. There may be tears, sleepless nights and situations where they might want to quit. They know that it’s all part of the journey and how they react will determine will determine their future. The struggle, truly is real.

#4 — They remain consistent

If the average dieter makes a 4–5 attempts a year to lose weight, why is it that they don’t stay consistent? With the thousands of marketing messages promoting a detox, 30-day fixes, 21 day abs, and much more, it’s no wonder people are disappointed and give up so quickly.

The body you have right now isn’t a result of the chocolate bar you had last night. It’s not a result of the weekend of binge eating you may have had. It’s not because of any SINGLE situation. It is a result of the weeks, months, years of habits that you have developed over the last 5, 10, 20, 30, 40+ years. If it took 5+ years for your body to look how it currently looks, too many people expect a transformation change in just 30 days or less. It takes months (and even years) of consistently exercising, focused nutrition, adequate sleep, hydration and so much more to attain your “dream” body.

Successful clients know that consistency is the key to their results. Oh, and they know it’s going to take a lot longer than 30 days.

#5 — They surround themselves with positive people

If you really are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with, are you hanging out with the right people? You should think about the people that you surroundyourself with and see if they are helping you achieve your goals. Unfortunately, there are people that have the ability to suck the life out of you and drain you of your energy. Do you know people like that?

Instead, try surrounding yourself with people that may share a similar goals with you. In my free Facebook group, Fitness Made Simple, we have created a community of positive people that want to live a healthier life. Within this group, I share weekly videos/tips on how to live a healthier life, by making fitness simple.

Look at your friends — do they make you happy? Do they support you no matter what? When you surround yourself with positive people, your life becomes less stressful. Successful clients have a group of positive people surrounding them that motivate and inspire them on a daily basis.

Are you looking to get in better shape and finally ready to commit to yourself? Do you think you have what it takes to be a successful client?

If so, send me an email- I look forward to hearing about goals -> karan@fitopportunity.com



Karan Nijhawan

Get my BEST unfiltered thoughts on growing your business, building stronger relationships & how to become the best version of yourself. https://sendfox.com/jube